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Prof. Song LIN
Academic qualification
- PhD Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- MPhil University of New South Wales
- BA Peking University
- Associate Professor, HKUST (2021 - present)
- Assistant Professor, HKUST (2015 - 21)
- Generative AI
- Advertising
- Pricing
- Platform design
- Smart contract and blockchain
- Consumer attention, search, and learning
- Do More “Likes” Lead to More Clicks? Evidence from a Field Experiment on Social Advertising (with Shan Huang), forthcoming at Journal of Marketing.
- Song Lin, "Media Formats of Advertising," (previously circulated as “The Medium of Advertising”) forthcoming at Marketing Science.
- Ke Te and Song Lin (2020), "Informational Complementarity," Management Science, 66(8), 3699-3716.
- Song Lin (2020), "Two-Sided Price Discrimination by Media Platforms," Marketing Science, 39(2), 317–338.
- Song Lin, (2017), "Add-on Policies under Vertical Differentiation: Why Do Luxury Hotels Charge for Internet While Economy Hotels Do Not?," Marketing Science, 36(4), 610-625.
- INFORMS Society for Marketing Science Doctoral Award. - Song Lin, Juanjuan Zhang, and John Hauser (2015), "Learning from Experience, Simply," Marketing Science, 34(1), 1-19, lead article.
- John D.C. Little Best Paper Award, finalist. - Eric Anderson, Song Lin, Duncan Simester, and Catherine Tucker (2015), "Harbingers of Failure," Journal of Marketing Research, 52(5), 580-592, lead article.
- Weitz-Winer-O’Dell Award, winner.
- Featured by more than 100 media outlets including the New York Times, Financial Times, Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Bloomberg, NBC, BBC, NPR, Chicago Tribune, Boston Globe, Kellogg Insight, MIT Technology Review, MIT News, etc.
Associate Editor: Marketing Science.