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Prof. Jaideep SENGUPTA
Academic qualification
- PhD University of California at Los Angeles, Management
- MBA Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta, Management
- BTech Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, Electrical Engineering
- Consumer information processing
- Persuasion and attitude strength
- Effects of marketing communications
- Self-regulation and self-control
- Lei, Su, Jaideep Sengupta, Yiwei Li, and Fangyuan Chen (2024), “‘Want’ versus ‘Need’: How Linguistic Framing Influences Responses to Crowdfunding Appeals,” Journal of Consumer Research, 50 (5), 923-944.
- Chen, Fangyuan, Jaideep Sengupta, and Frank Zheng (2023), “When Products Come Alive: Interpersonal Communication Norms Induce Positive Word of Mouth for Anthropomorphized Products,” Journal of Consumer Research, 49(6), 1032-1052.
- Wilson, Andrew E., Peter R. Darke, and Jaideep Sengupta (2022), “Winning the Battle but Losing the War: Ironic Effects of Training Consumers to Detect Deceptive Advertising Tactics,” Journal of Business Ethics (FT-top 50 journal), 181 (4), 997-1013.
- Yan, Dengfeng and Jaideep Sengupta (2021), “The Effects of Numerical Divisibility on Loneliness Perceptions and Consumer Preferences,” Journal of Consumer Research, 47 (5), 755-771.
- Huang, Yunhui and Jaideep Sengupta (2020), “The Influence of Disease Cues on Preference for Typical versus Atypical Products,” Journal of Consumer Research, 47 (3), 393–411.
- Shen, Hao and Jaideep Sengupta (2018), “Word of Mouth Versus Word of Mouse: Speaking about a Brand Connects You to it More than Writing Does,” Journal of Consumer Research, 45 (3), 595-614.
- Chen, Fanyuan, Jaideep Sengupta; and Rashmi Adaval (2018), "Does Endowing a Product with Life Make One Feel More Alive? The Effect of Product Anthropomorphism on Consumer Vitality," Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, 3 (4), 503-513.
- Yan, Dengfeng, Jaideep Sengupta and Jiewen Hong (2016), "Why Does Psychological Distance Influence Construal Level? The Role of Processing Mode," Journal of Consumer Research, 43 (4), 598-613.
- Chen, Fangyuan and Jaideep Sengupta (2014), “Forced to be Bad: The Positive Impact of Low-Autonomy Vice Consumption on Consumer Vitality,” Journal of Consumer Research, 41 (4), 1089-1107.
- Shen, Hao and Jaideep Sengupta (2014), "The Crossmodal Effect of Attention on Preferences: Facilitation vs. Impairment," Journal of Consumer Research, 40 (5), 885-903.
- Yan, Dengfeng, Jaideep Sengupta, and Robert S. Wyer (2014), "Package Size and Perceived Quality: The Intervening Role of Unit Price Perceptions", Journal of Consumer Psychology, 24 (1), 4-17.
- Vohs, Kathleen, Jaideep Sengupta and Darren Dahl (2014), "The Price Had Better Be Right: Women’s Reactions to Sexual Stimuli Vary with Market Factors," Psychological Science, 25 (1), 278-283.
- Chan, Elaine and Jaideep Sengupta, (2013) “Observing Flattery: A Social Comparison Perspective,” Journal of Consumer Research, 40 (4) 740-758.
- Chan, Elaine, Jaideep Sengupta and Anirban Mukhopadhyay (2013), “The Antecedents of Anticipatory Purchase: Reconciling the Two Routes to Optimism,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 23 (1), 90-105.
- Yan, Dengfeng and Jaideep Sengupta (2013), “The Influence of Base Rate and Case Information on Health Risk Perceptions: A Unified Model of Self-Positivity and Self-Negativity,” Journal of Consumer Research, 39 (5), 931-946.
- White, Katherine, Jennifer Argo and Jaideep Sengupta (2012), “Associative vs. Dissociative Responses to Social Identity Threat: The Role of Self-Construal,” Journal of Consumer Research, 39 (4), 704-719.
- Shen, Hao and Jaideep Sengupta (2012), “If You Can't Grab it, it Won't Grab You: The Effect of Restricting the Dominant Hand on Target Evaluations,” Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 48 (2), 525-529.
- Yan, Dengfeng and Jaideep Sengupta (2011), “Effects of Construal Level on the Price-Quality Relationship,” Journal of Consumer Research, 38 (2), 376-389.
- Chan, Elaine and Jaideep Sengupta (2010), “Insincere Flattery Actually Works: A Dual Attitudes Perspective,” Journal of Marketing Research, 47 (February), 122-133.
- Dahl, Darren, Jaideep Sengupta, and Kathleen Vohs (2009), “Sex in Advertising: Gender Differences and the Role of Relationship Commitment,” Journal of Consumer Research, 36 (2), 215-231.
- Mukhopadhyay, Anirban, Jaideep Sengupta, and Suresh Ramanthan (2008), “Recalling Past Temptations: An Information-Processing Perspective on the Dynamics of Self-Control,” Journal of Consumer Research, 35 (4), 586-599.
- Sengupta, Jaideep and Darren W. Dahl (2008), “Gender-Related Reactions to Gratuitous Sex Appeals in Advertising,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 18 (1), 62-78.
- Sengupta, Jaideep and Rongrong Zhou (2006), “Understanding Impulsives’ Choice Behaviors: The Motivational Influences of Regulatory Focus," Journal of Marketing Research, 24 (May), 297- 308
- Johar, Gita V., Jaideep Sengupta, and Jennifer Aaker (2005), “Two Roads to Updating Brand Personality Impressions: Trait versus Evaluative Inferencing,”Journal of Marketing Research, November, 458-469.
- Goodstein, Ronald C., Deborah A. Cours, Brian K. Jorgensen, and Jaideep Sengupta (2005), “The Positive Effect of Negative Advertising: It's a Matter of Time," in Applying Social Cognition to Consumer-Focused Strategy, F. Kardes, P. Herr, and J. Nantel, eds., Mahwah, NJ: LEA, 319- 330.
- Sengupta, Jaideep and Gavan J. Fitzsimons (2004), “The Effects of Analyzing Reasons on the Stability of Brand Attitudes,” Journal of Consumer Research, 31 (December), 705-711.
- Gorn, Gerald J., Amitava Chattopadhyay, Jaideep Sengupta, and Shashank Tripathi (2004), “Download Times on the Internet: Does Being Relaxed Make Time go Faster?”, Journal of Marketing Research, 41 (May), 215-225.
- Johar, Gita V. and Jaideep Sengupta (2002), “The Effects of Dissimulation on the Accessibility and Predictive Power of Weakly Held Attitudes,” Social Cognition, 20 (4), 257-294.
- Sengupta, Jaideep and Gerald J. Gorn (2002), “Absence Makes the Mind Grow Sharper: The Effect of Element Omission on Subsequent Recall,” Journal of Marketing Research, 39 (May), 186-201.
- Sengupta, Jaideep and Gita V. Johar (2002), “Effects of Inconsistent Information on the Predictive Value of Product Attitudes: Towards A Resolution of Opposing Perspectives,” Journal of Consumer Research, 29 (June), 39-56.
- Sengupta, Jaideep, Darren W. Dahl, and Gerald J. Gorn (2002), “Misrepresentation in the Consumer Context,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 12 (2), 69-79 (lead article).
- Sengupta, Jaideep and Gita V. Johar (2001), “Contingent Effects of Anxiety on Message Elaboration and Persuasion,” Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 27 (2), 139-150 (lead article).
- Sengupta, Jaideep and Gavan Fitzsimons (2000), “Disruption Vs. Reinforcement: The Effects of Analyzing Reasons for Brand Preferences,” Journal of Marketing Research, 37 (3), 318-330.
- Aaker, Jennifer and Jaideep Sengupta (2000), “Additivity versus Attenuation: The Role of Culture in the Resolution of Information Incongruity,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 9 (2), 67-82 (lead article).
- Sengupta, Jaideep, Ronald C. Goodstein, and David S. Boninger (1997), “All Cues Are Not Created Equal: Obtaining Attitude Persistence under Low Involvement Conditions,” Journal of Consumer Research, Vol. 4 (March), 351-361.
Journal of Consumer Research (Associate Editor), Journal of Consumer Psychology (Associate Editor), Journal of Marketing Research (Editorial Board).